Which Water Purifier should i buy?

With wide varieties of Water purifies present in todays market and also the impurities found in drinking water, making decision to buy an water purifier, becomes really difficult. So, today i am writing this blog, which will help you in choosing the right water purifier for your house. So before going to the types of Water purifiers lets understand the common types of impurities present in your drinking water: Generally drinking water is supplied through various sources, which are from: lakes and rivers, bore wells, rain water which is harvested and so on. Depending on these sources, quality of water changes, like the hardness of the water, chemicals and harmful micro-organisms present in the water such as viruses and bacteria. Following table shows common types of impurities present in water: Generally water that is supplied from Lakes, rivers and harvested rain water has less concentration of total dissolved salt (TDS), whereas water d...