How to buy Idea 4G sim online for Free (get delivery at your doorstep)

Hey guys, i am back with yet another blog. I know i was not uploading any blogs for couple of months. The reason is that my PC was not in good condition. Now that i bought new laptop that is Mac book Air. You will be getting regular blog post on this blog.

So without any further ado, lets start our blog. By the name itself you must have understood about the topic i am going to talk about today.

This is mainly for those who want to upgrade their existing 2G or 3G idea SIM to 4G idea SIM. For this you must be existing user of idea SIM.

Steps to get your free 4G idea SIM online and also delivered it to your doorstep:

1) Go to this website : Idea 4G SIM
2) After which scroll down to this, as shown in the image below:

Input you mobile number (the SIM that you are going to upgrade to 4G) here and follow the steps accordingly.
In this they will ask you to input your SIM delivery address too.
Provide them correct address, so that 4G SIM delivers to your house correctly.
You will receive your 4G SIM after 7-8 days of registration.

3)After you receiving your 4G SIM, you need to follow below steps:

  • Go to your Mobile's msg and write new msg as " SIM (space) your "SIM Number" that is mentioned on your new 4G SIM.
  • And send this msg to "12345" (toll free number for idea)
  • Then you will get a msg from idea that if you have 4G SIM kindly send "Y" and if you don't have 4G SIM press "N". Here you press "Y" and send that msg on the number from were the sms has come from.
  • Then you will get a msg from idea that, "You 4G SIM will be activated shortly. And you 4G SIM msg service will be activated after 24hrs of activation of your 4G SIM.
Note : Once you have done this, wait till your existing SIM network goes away. Once your existing SIM network goes, you can insert you new 4G SIM and enjoy.

You will get Free 4GB data on upgrading you SIM as mentioned in the above image, so register and enjoy using internet at 4G speeds.

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